Oct 28, 2018
The Apostle Paul was born a devout Jew who followed the Law and supported Jewish traditions like circumcision (Gal. 1:14). He was of Abraham’s descendants (the Israelites/Jews) to whom God gave His Law and promises to bless them (Gen. 18:18, 19). As they were God’s chosen people, all others (Gentiles) were outside...
Oct 21, 2018
Paul described all humanity as having an in-born spiritual nature that isn’t ‘good’ or even neutral toward God. But it is rather hostile and self-righteous, deserving punishment as children of wrath (Eph. 2:3). Yet after describing this hopeless situation, Paul writes the two greatest words ever penned—‘But...
Oct 14, 2018
After Paul described the amazing relationship the Ephesians had with God through Jesus, he recalled their former state. Before Jesus, they were dead (Gr. nekros, ‘dead/corpse’) in the waythey lived their lives. This meant that all their actions—even things they or their culture considered...
Oct 7, 2018
Ephesus was a Roman city that drew from the best human wisdom, being deeply influenced by Greek philosophy. Before the Ephesians heard the Gospel, they believed they saw reality clearly, but were actually spiritually blind. Once they became believers, the Holy Spirit took residence in their heart and gave them...