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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Oct 20, 2019

As His last and highest creation, God built humans to have
relationships—with Himself, each other, and the earth (Gen. 1:26-
28). God’s relationship to humans is so thorough, He searches (Heb.
châqar, ‘to investigate, examine’) and knows them in totality.
Humanity isn’t a cosmic accident but carefully...

Oct 13, 2019

The Bible describes God as the eternal, all-powerful, all-
knowing Creator whose excellence and perfection call for praise. For
believers, love for God should be holistic—involving their heart,
soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10:27). Similarly, praise for God
should evoke the best parts of human excitement;...

Oct 6, 2019

The Bible speaks of God being worthy of praise (Heb.
hâlal, ‘to boast about, celebrate’; root of hallelujah ‘praise the
LORD’). This means God’s character and attributes are of such a
quality He’s worth ‘bragging’ about. Because of this, praise is
commanded! Praise isn’t given to God because He is...