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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Jan 27, 2019

When Paul came to Ephesus 10 years earlier, he found a large, rich, Greco-Roman city (Acts 18:19). As he shared the Gospel, many Ephesians became Christians. Years later, Paul now told them to no longer walk (Gr. mēketi peripatein, ‘stop moving forward’) in the ways of their culture. Which, despite Ephesian success...

Jan 20, 2019

After his incarnation, Jesus’ mission was to die for humanity’s sins on the cross (1 John 2:2). After resurrecting, but before returning to heaven (from where he came as God), Jesus promised he would send the Holy Spirit who would gift people to do the work of God (Acts 1:4, 5). The beginning of the first church is...

Jan 13, 2019

The Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesian church from house arrest in Rome (Acts 28:16). He reminded them that God’s power in and through them was so amazing, nothing should stop them living for God. In view of this power, Paul urged (Gr.parakaleō, ‘to strongly encourage, beg’) the believers to view their...

Jan 6, 2019

Paul told the Ephesian Christians that when people put their faith in Jesus, he takes up residence in their heart (Eph. 3:17). This indwelling of God leads people to make different choices than they would have made previously and accept godly counsel they would have rejected before. A new life leads to a new way of...