Jun 27, 2021
My life is about my goals, my family, and the pursuit of things that make me happy and satisfied. I design my life around me, and I expect others to support my view of living. Those that don’t, I consider enemies of my happiness and fulfillment. The things that bring me happiness are a right of my humanity and no one...
Jun 20, 2021
God built the universe and humans to make Himself known. All of creation, from galaxies to genetics, are evidence of His genius and handiwork. Of everything God built, humans are the only creation made in His image and who can appreciate Him the most (Gen. 1:1, 27-31). God exposes His nature and expresses His...
Jun 13, 2021
The Bible describes God as being omniscient. This means He has all-knowledge and an infinite understanding of anything that is possible of being known. God never has to learn anything or be taught or use discernment, as all possible situations and outcomes are known perfectly by Him. God knows everything that can...
Jun 6, 2021
The Bible speaks of God as an eternal, perfect Being who is the Creator of everything. As part of His creation, He made angels, the physical universe, and humans—who are created in His image (Gen. 1:1, 27). Of the things God made, everything has a recognition of its Maker and the excellence of God’s person and...