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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Sep 17, 2017

Angels (Gr. angelos, ‘messenger’) aren’t disembodied spirits but were created by God, all at once, as a nearly innumerable multitude to minister for Him and to Him at some point before He built the earth (Job 38:4-7). There are at least three types of angelic beings, all with the appearance of men’s...

Sep 10, 2017

God is eternal and never had a beginning or creator to make Him. Unlike angels, humans, or animals, He is the only Being that was never born or created. Because He had no starting point (creation) and will have no ending point (death), there is nothing that was before Him nor will there be anything or anyone after...

Sep 3, 2017

The most important aspect of being a Jesus-follower is imitating his sacrificial love (John 14:34, 35). The difference between secular love and biblical love is secular is feeling-based while biblical is action-based. Love doesn’t accept all behavior but encourages godliness (1 Cor. 14:4-7). A main focus of...