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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Aug 20, 2017

The author of Hebrews gave physical examples of people who made hard spiritual decisions to model honoring God, including dying for their faith (Heb. 11:32-38). The Christian life is compared to a difficult race (Gr. agōn, ‘contest’) in which it is possible to not endure to receive the prize (Matt. 10:22; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Rev. 2:26). So, to encourage believers, Hebrews describes those who have gone before as witnesses (Gr. martoos, ‘eye-witness, often judicial’) for Christ during their lives, and who are now witnesses like spectators from heaven of our race. If they can finish the race for Jesus, we can too! There is no direct biblical evidence that believers can observe earthly events. But if they can, believers should live to mimic their sacrifice. And if it is metaphor, believers should live so they can join the faithful someday! Considering the gravity of not finishing well, believers are to remove distractions and lay aside (Gr. apotithēmi, ‘to throw away’) sins which weigh (Gr. ong'-kos, ‘a mass causing bending’) them down. Living a faithful life requires focusing on Jesus as the goal, who didn’t look to the cross but through the cross, knowing the joy of ultimately pleasing God and bringing people to salvation. Believers are to live in this life, not for it (Mark 8:34-38)!