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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Nov 25, 2018

God’s plan of salvation by faith in Jesus was hidden throughout history until it was shown to Paul. This meant all people now had access to God without going through a religious system. This bold entry into God’s kingly presence created a sense of honor that drove Paul to his knees in worship. God’s sovereignty promotes human worship (Rom. 14:11). The greater the worth in affection, the greater the worship in action!God’s rightful place in being worshipped by humanity is so complete, every family (Gr. patria, ‘descent from common origin’) finds its ultimate start from the fatherhood of God (Acts 17:24-28). Besides being the Creator and Savior of humanity, God gives believers power (Gr. dunamis, ‘force, strength’) to live a godly life. God is the Starter from where we start!