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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Mar 24, 2022

Pastor Jim Jackson, 3/20/22 We Endure, Pt. 21—The Behavior Of A Soldier 2 Timothy 2:1-7

A Soldier is strengthened by GRACE

Timothy had become discouraged and depressed as the pastor at Ephesus. Though Timothy was in his late 30’s, as his spiritual father, Paul viewed him as his child (Gr. teknon, ‘offspring, young son’) in the faith. In this role, Paul encouraged him not to give up the fight but endure difficulty. Men are to provide emotional stability, physical protection, and spiritual guidance for those in need. During emotional instability, relational chaos, or spiritual confusion, Timothy was to be strengthened (Gr. endunamoō, ‘to enable with power’) by grace from Jesus. As God dwells with believers, He is our ever-present lifeline in battle (Ps. 46:1-3; Eph. 3:16-18)!

A Soldier shares in SUFFERING

Timothy was to find strength to get through hard times from Jesus and look for other men who were faithful as well. From these men, he was to choose leaders that could teach and disciple others. Faithfulness opens doors of opportunity; flakiness closes doors of blessing. Like a good soldier at war—who knows people’s lives are at stake if he flees—he is to stay and share in the suffering (Gr. kakopatheō, ‘undergo hardship’) of battle. Christians aren’t to look for a way out but a way through the fire! Like family, believers are made by God to rejoice together and go through hardship together (Rom. 12:15; 1 Tim. 3:15, 16). Life is better together!

A Soldier stays on MISSION

Because of the intense nature of pastoring and pressure from culture, it can be easy for pastors to become emotionally fatigued or spiritually distracted. Fatigue can lead to wanting to quit or becoming preoccupied by focusing the church on non-Gospel issues. Like a soldier who doesn’t get to choose his own mission, pastors aren’t to get entangled (Gr. emplekō, ‘to braid together, intertwine’) in cultural values, politics, or personal pursuits. Distractions are a diversion leading to death. An athlete can train and focus their body for competition, but if they don’t compete by the rules, they will be disqualified. And, if a farmer doesn’t work hard and correctly tend to his crops so they grow, he won’t eat. Likewise, as people’s spiritual lives are on the line, a pastor who doesn’t stay on mission for the Gospel is a failure. Mission matters most!