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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Aug 16, 2020

While Jesus had healed many just by speaking, here he spits in the dirt and, instead of placing it on the eyelids so it could be wiped off, Jesus wiped it onto his eyes (Gr. epichriō, ‘to smear’). This re-creation of his eyes with dirt and a divine touch parallels God breathing life into Adam after creating him from the dirt (Gen. 2:7). This healing method would also test the man’s faith with the possible embarrassment of a cruel joke by going to Siloam, a public pool, with mud on his face. Sometimes, a miracle waits on our participation. The eye is one of the most amazing body parts as it relies on the completed construction and orchestration of all the parts to work. Not to mention the chemical signals that must be processed correctly between the eye and brain for the brain to do the ‘seeing’. The miracle of the eye needs a miracle worker to fix it!