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Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson

Oct 10, 2021

After describing an orderly worship environment and prohibiting women from teaching men in an assembled gathering, Paul tells Timothy who should have that role. Like marriage—where a man takes the responsibility of leading, loving, and providing for a wife and children—a man must desire the responsibility not just the role. If any man aspires (Gr. oregomai, ‘to reach out to grasp’) to be an overseer/elder/pastor (Gr. episkopē, ‘to inspect, superintend’; Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4), he desires a good task (Gr. ergon, ‘toil, labor’). Overseeing is the hard work of leading others. A man must be able to lead himself, lead others, and lead others to lead others. A man wanting to lead a church should have a history of being followed by men. If you think you are a leader, turn around, if no one is following you, you’re just out for a walk (Rom. 12:6-8)!